
The Opportunity

Datalign Advisory, a rapidly growing company in the Cogo Labs ecosystem, faced the challenge of scaling their operations while maintaining a strong growth trajectory. Launched in February 2022, the company has seen a consistent 20%+ month-over-month growth rate. Datalign's mission is to bridge financial advisors with potential clients through a digital platform, offering services ranging from retirement planning to tax harvesting. The company needed a visionary leader to steer these efforts and sustain its impressive growth.

The Need

Datalign Advisory required a CEO with a unique blend of skills: strong technology acumen, a data-driven mindset, and experience in team building. The ideal candidate needed to immerse in Datalign’s project management process, lead fundraising efforts, plan for key hires to triple the size of the business in two years. The goal was to maintain the 20% MoM growth and execute key hires and team development, and prepare for an IPO within 3 years.

The Results

Vardis successfully led the search that culminated in the appointment of Satayan Mahajan as Chief Executive Officer. Mahajan, an accomplished leader with a diverse background, previously served as GM and Head of Product of He was also previously CEO at Motus Corporation and significant advancements in motion-based rehabilitation technologies at Motus Medical. As a graduate of MIT and experienced judge for MIT’s Entrepreneurship Competition, he brought extensive technical expertise with a strong recruiting network. His technical background, proven leadership in various industries, and forward-thinking approach made him the ideal candidate to lead Datalign Advisory towards its ambitious goals.

Under Mahajan's leadership, Datalign Advisory is well-positioned to continue its growth trajectory, achieve its financial targets, and successfully navigate towards an IPO, marking a significant milestone in the company’s journey.

The Team

John Hoagland:

Jim von der Linden:

Christiane Doerner: